You are signing up for the Samsung S25 Series under the GPlan Biz mobile postpaid plan for business use.
Get Samsung S25 5G (256GB) at Plan 1999 with P24,500 device cash-out or the Samsung S25 Ultra 5G (256GB) at Plan 2499 with P46,500 cash-out.
First Name
Last Name
Mobile Number Your 10-digit mobile number starting with 9
Registered Business Name
Job Title Owner CEO/President IT - Dir/VP/CIO IT - Professional/Mgr Finance - Mng/Exec Finance - Professional/Staff Purchasing - Mng/Exec Purchasing - Professional/Staff Administrative - Mng/Exec Adminstrative - Professional/Staff IT Consultant Others - SME Employee Others - Non SME Employee
Business Address
Industry Accommodation Banking & Finance BPO Education Food Services Government IT Services Manufacturing Personal Services Transportation and Storage Wholesale & Retail Others
What is your business size? Micro (1 to 9 employees) Small (10 to 99 employees) Medium (100 to 199 employees) Enterprise Business (200+ employees)
Preferred GPlan Biz Plan GPlan Biz 599 (With Device) GPlan Biz 799 (With Device) GPlan Biz 999 (With Device) GPlan Biz 1299 (With Device) GPlan Biz 1499 (With Device) GPlan Biz 1799 (With Device) GPlan Biz 1999 (With Device) GPlan Biz 2499 (With Device) PLATINUM GPlan 3799 (With Device) PLATINUM GPlan 4999 (With Device) PLATINUM GPlan 7999 (With Device)
Preferred Device Samsung S25 5G (512GB) Samsung S25+ 5G (512GB) Samsung S25 Ultra 5G (512GB) Samsung S25 Ultra 5G (1TB)
Who will be paying for this subscription? Company Personal account
When do you need the product/solution implemented? Within 1 month Within 2-3 months Within 4-6 months Within 7-9 months Within 9-12 months I don't know yet
Best time to contact you 8:00AM - 9:00AM 9:00AM - 10:00AM 10:00AM - 11:00AM 11:00AM - 12:00NN 12:00NN - 1:00PM 1:00PM - 2:00PM 2:00PM - 3:00PM 3:00PM - 4:00PM 4:00PM - 5:00PM Anytime within business hours
Please help us in processing your request quickly by providing ANY of these Business Details (SEC, DTI or TIN)? Yes, I have the details No, I don't have it You can provide at least one.
SEC Number
Business TIN
DTI Number
Business Website
I understand and agree to the privacy notice.